Speaker and Co-organiser of Light Talks in Tallinn (EE)
I had the pleasure of co-organizing and presenting at the “Light Talks in Tallinn” event, a collaborative effort between the EVDA (Estonian Lighting Design Association) and the IALD Nordic Chapter, with myself as coordinator.
The conference attracted around 70 attendees, including architects, lighting designers, and city officials. We hosted a variety of speakers such as Jari Vuorinen from Lighting Design Collective and Riku Pirtilä from Sweco, Finland. City representatives like Elisa Hillgen from Jyväskylä and Marjut Kauppinen from Helsinki discussed urban lighting innovations. Estonian experts Mariliis Kundla and Katrin Kivisikk from Aether Lighting Design, along with others from ITK Lighting and Silmani Elekter AS, joined Joan-Tähven Vene from Tallinn and Mihkel Pajuste from BLIQ.STUDIO in Copenhagen to share diverse insights into lighting design.
The event featured a series of enlightening presentations and discussions, providing an in-depth look at lighting design practices. An additional highlight was a light walk through, which showcased the lighting concept and design processes for the Old Town of Tallinn. This walk also offered a beautiful setting for networking.
Throughout the event, we facilitated an opportunity to reconnect with old colleagues and meet new ones, highlighting the community spirit of our industry and fostering collaborations between the Estonian and Finnish communities.